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Sunday Morning Classes: If you desire to spend more time in God's Word and grow closer to the church family, consider joining an adult Sunday school class. A variety of adult classes [for all ages] are offered following the morning worship. For detailed descriptions of classes offered, please check with the church office to help in deciding which class would best meet your interest.
Wednesday Nights @ 7pm: an adult in-depth Bible study and prayer time; definitely not something to miss! ;)
Sunday Morning Classes: If you desire to spend more time in God's Word and grow closer to the church family, consider joining an adult Sunday school class. A variety of adult classes [for all ages] are offered following the morning worship. For detailed descriptions of classes offered, please check with the church office to help in deciding which class would best meet your interest.
Wednesday Nights @ 7pm: an adult in-depth Bible study and prayer time; definitely not something to miss! ;)